Children are admitted to Stourfield Junior School according to the criteria set out in our Admissions Policy. Although we are part of a Multi Academy Trust and Twynham Learning is the Admissions Authority, we employ BCP Admissions to administer our admissions.
The school’s Published Admissions Number is 120.
More information and details on how to apply for a school place (including deadlines for applications), can be found on the BCP Admissions Website, obtained from the school office, or from the BCP Admissions Team – Details Below:
E: / E:
T. 01202 123222 or 01202 127963
Parents wishing to visit the school prior to registering their child are most welcome to contact the school office for an appointment to do so.
Hard copies of all forms can be obtained from the school office.
Admissions Policies
Catchment Area
Below are is a map of our catchment area and a list of roads in our catchment area.
SJS-Catchment-Area |
SJS-Catchment-Area-Roads |
Appeals Information
Appeals Timetable for September YR 3 Admissions
Admissions Appeals Timetable_2025
If your application for a school is refused, you have the right of appeal against this decision to an independent appeal panel.
Please contact us at the following email address including the word ‘Appeals’ in your subject line: to begin this process, or for more information.