Anti-bullying information
At Stourfield Junior School, we believe that everyone has the right to be treated with respect as an individual. Through our Personal Learning Skills we promote a positive learning environment where similarities and differences are celebrated. Alongside the preventative work done in school we also offer opportunities for children to express their concerns or difficulties should they arise. We have a very strong pastoral team and a nurture unit where pupils can be given specific support. We do not tolerate bullying behaviour.
What we do to prevent bullying.
- PSHE curriculum
- Speak Out Box. Within school, there is a pupil post box, which provides an opportunity for children to ask for help if they feel they are having difficulties or make adults aware of other children who may be affected from bullying.
- Nurture group
- ElSA
- School Council
- Anti-bullying ambassadors
- Friendship squad
- Weekly pastoral meetings
- Mental Health and Well Being steering group. This team is representative of all areas of the school community.
- Assemblies
- Lessons on anti-bullying led by children
What will happen if a pupil is found bullying others?
In every case the incident will be taken seriously and some or all the consequences below will happen.
- Pupils will have to explain their behaviour
- An account of the incident will be recorded and filed
- Parents may be informed of the incident and invited in to school
- Alternative playtimes or loss of playtimes
- Internal exclusions from class
- Pupils may be offered support through our nurture group, ELSA support, sessions with our school counsellor or support from outside agencies if necessary
What should I do if I think my child is being bullied?
- Calmly talk to your child about what has happened
- Reassure your child that he/she has done the right thing in telling you about the bullying or friendship issue.
- Encourage your child to talk to their class teacher or fill in a speak out form
- Make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher or senior teacher; Ben March (Lower School), Gina Scarratt (Upper School).
We can only do something if we know there is a problem. We are here to help and want your child to be happy so come and talk to us.