
The school strives to foster an environment in which every member of our school community is ‘safe, secure and valued’. In order to achieve this, we have developed our own Stourfield Junior School values which are as follows:

We value respect, support, consideration and patience.

We think these qualities are very important, not only in other people but also in ourselves and so we try to:

  • Be friendly and polite.
  • Use acceptable and appropriate language.
  • Walk around the school building quietly, keeping to the left.
  • Do as we are asked to do by all staff straight away.
  • Look after personal and school property.
  • Be helpful to those in need.
  • Listen and value everyone’s contribution.
  • Keep unhelpful hands, feet, objects and comments to ourselves.

The Head, Deputy, Assistant Headteachers and Pupil Welfare Manager are ultimately responsible for co-ordinating the pastoral care and promoting good behaviour within the school. However, class teachers and the senior leader in the Lower and Upper School should be consulted first if parents have concerns.


Supporting Positive Behaviour – Reward Systems:


Children are divided into four tribes: red, orange, green and yellow. Throughout the week, children can be awarded tribe points for good work, behaviour and attitude. Tribe points are collected after lunch on a Friday by Y6 pupils and the winning tribe announced each week in our Celebration assembly. At the end of each term, the overall winning tribe is rewarded with a tribe group activity for the afternoon.

PROUD Certificates/Bee Kind award

Staff are asked to nominate a child from their class each week to receive a PROUD (Public Recognition Of Unique Deeds) certificate in our celebration assemblies on a Friday. This should awarded to a child who has done something of which we are really proud that week. Typically, it will be related to the curriculum or a personal learning skill.

The Bee Kind award is given to a child in the Upper School and one in the Lower school who has treated others with consideration during the week. They receive a certificate and the bee lives in their classrooms for the week.

Unsung Heroes

We recognise that every year, there are children who behave well, keep to our school expectations at all times, show a commitment to our learning skills and are therefore extremely good role models. They do this automatically and without being asked. At the end of each academic year, staff are invited to nominate four pupils from their class who they feel are “unsung heroes” so that their efforts can be recognised. These children get a letter home from the Headteacher and an afternoon of fun activities arranged by the PFA.


Lunchtime Payback

Sometimes, for behaviour which directly contravenes one of school expectations, staff may ask children to attend Lunchtime Payback. This may be for one of the following:

•    Not following adult requests
•    Answering back
•    Blatant refusal to comply
•    Not completing work of which they are capable
•    Lack of homework
•    Verbal aggression/Swearing
•    Physical aggression/Fighting
•    Low level bullying – name calling etc.

Where possible, a warning will be given before payback is issued. The amount of time for each payback session is at the discretion of the member of staff who is issuing it. All children who are asked to do payback will be given adequate time to eat their lunch and go to the toilet. No payback session will last more than 30 minutes per day. A behaviour slip will be filled in at the point of payback being issued.

Pupils who receive more than two lots of pay back per week are at risk of forfeiting their right to attend their UoS class that week. This decision lies with the Senior Teacher in the Lower or Upper School and will be made on a Friday morning. This gives children the opportunity to turn their behaviour around. Children who lose the right to attend the UoS will spend this session working in the Headeacher’s office under the supervision of the PWM. Attendance at this session more than twice in quick succession may lead to a child being placed on green report card.

Report Card System

We also have a report card system which has been developed to provide a structured intervention programme for those children who are having difficulties in managing their own behaviour appropriately. There are three report cards; green, amber and red, increasing in seriousness. Parents will be informed if their child is in danger of being placed on a report card.