
Homework is seen as an activity that a pupil is asked to do outside the lesson time, either on their own or with a parent or carer and should run alongside other after-school activities. 

  • The school’s homework practice will support the work carried out by the children in the classroom. It is intended that this approach will both inform parents of the curriculum coverage as well as giving them an opportunity to be actively involved in their children’s education. 

  • Homework should be provided as part of the regular programme and therefore it should be understood by the pupils and parents that this is part of the normal school routine. 

  • There is a high expectation on the part of the staff that pupils’ complete homework tasks set. Homework is not optional. 

  • There is also an expectation that parents will support them in the management of the homework guidelines. We expect the children to spend no more than approximately 30 minutes per day on homework (this time includes reading together). 

  • The times are only a guide. Parents should stop their child if they feel they are spending too much time on a particular task or if a task is causing particular difficulty and write a note to that effect at the top of the homework sheet. Homework is set on a Tuesday and should be completed by the following Monday. 

Half-termly Homework 

Each half-term, we will provide a list of suggested Home Learning Tasks via our curriculum newsletters that adults may choose to complete with their child. These tasks are optional, but we would encourage all adults to become actively involved in completing at least one of the tasks over the course of the year. 

Weekly Homework 

Homework will include a combination of paper-based and online tasks. The class teacher will distribute homework every Tuesday, and it will be reviewed in class the following Monday or Tuesday. 

To encourage independence, we ask all children to take responsibility for completing and handing in their homework on time. While completed homework can be returned anytime during the week, it is essential that homework is submitted by the Monday deadline. We kindly ask adults to remind their child to complete and return their homework on time. 

Homework Content 

Homework tasks are directly linked to what children are learning in class. If a child finds any task challenging, we encourage adults at home to support them or remind them to speak with their class teacher before the due date. 

Paper-Based Homework: This will include Maths, Spelling, Reading or Grammar tasks. Please note that we have recently updated our spelling curriculum and are now using the Spelling Shed scheme during the course of this academic year. 

Online Homework: In addition to paper-based tasks, your child will need to complete: 

Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS): We recommend breaking this into three 5-minute sessions throughout the week. We monitor children’s progress, so please ensure these tasks are completed regularly. 

Tasks on Spelling Shed: Children should log in and complete the assigned activities. 

All children are given their TTRS and Spelling Shed login details. If you encounter any issues accessing these platforms, please contact your child’s class teacher for assistance.